In England, the ‘plan-led’ approach to the regulation of land and development places local plans at the heart of the town and country planning system, where local plans must be positively prepared by councils. You can find a comprehensive explanation of the Local Plan preparation process in England here.

Local Development Scheme – March 2024

With regards to the production of the Borough of Oadby and Wigston’s emerging New Local Plan, the council is currently working towards the following timescales:

Local Plan Preparation Stage Current LDS (Spring 2024)

Regulation 18A - Issues and Option

September to October 2021

Regulation 18B - Preferred Options

April to May 2024

Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Consultation

Spring 2025

Regulation 22 Submission to the Planning Inspectorate

Spring 2025

Regulation 24 Estimated Examination Hearing Sessions

Autumn 2025 (date to be determined by the Planning Inspectorate)

Main modifications, as recommended by the Independent Planning Inspectorate

Winter / Spring 2026 (date to be determined by the Planning Inspectorate)

Regulation 26 Adoption

Summer / Autumn 2026 (date to be determined by the Planning Inspectorate)

What is the Local Development Scheme?

The Local Development Scheme is a public statement that sets out the council's proposals for the preparation of its Local Plan and other Local Development Documents.

The Local Development Scheme tells you:

  • the documents that make up the development plan in the Borough,
  • where to find planning policies and other information for the Borough, and
  • the timescales for the production of the Local Plan and other Local Development Document.

You can view the council's most recently published Local Development Scheme below

Local Development Scheme (Spring 2024) (PDF Document, 871.17 Kb)

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is the document that sets out the timetable, resources and monitoring arrangements for the production of the Borough of Oadby and Wigston Local Plan.

Last updated: Tuesday, 2 April 2024 4:35 pm