This page explains and provides links to the Oadby Town Centre Masterplan Preferred Options Document.

This report is the Preferred Options report. It follows the Issues and Options Report which underwent a six-week period of consultation, during which the public and stakeholder had the opportunity to submit comments to the Council. It has taken into consideration comments upon the options proposed in the Issues and Options report and puts forward the preferred options. It also summarises the key issues raised during the public consultation stage and, where appropriate, responds specifically to outstanding concerns.

The Preferred Options Paper was consulted upon from Friday 9th November 2007 to Friday 21st December 2007.

Oadby has a niche role as a district centre serving its local population, with a high proportion of independent retailers. Although it sits in close proximity to Leicester, it offers a complementary rather than competing role; competition comes more from nearby Wigston and Fosse Park.

The town centre is clearly an important provider of local services – with banks, solicitors, and especially estate agents in plentiful numbers. The Parade is clearly an attraction for these uses, especially at its western end, although such uses do not necessarily contribute to the vibrancy of the shopping experience.

Oadby Preferred Options Chapters 1 and 2 : Part A (PDF Document, 596.78 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 2 : Part B (PDF Document, 256.45 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 3 : Part A (PDF Document, 402.15 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 3 : Part B (PDF Document, 282.27 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 4 (PDF Document, 66.74 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 5 : Part A (PDF Document, 141.96 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 5 : Part B (PDF Document, 142.9 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 5 : Part C (PDF Document, 77.76 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 6 (PDF Document, 232.18 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 7 : Part B (PDF Document, 222.57 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Chapter 8 (PDF Document, 26.16 Kb)

Sustainability Appraisal is a process through which the sustainability of a plan under preparation is assessed. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Sustainability Appraisals are mandatory for Local Plan documents.

Oadby Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal : Chapters 1 to 9 (PDF Document, 503.11 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal : Appendices A to C (PDF Document, 170.73 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal : Appendices D to E (PDF Document, 35.4 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal : Appendices F to G (PDF Document, 222.22 Kb)
Oadby Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal : Figures (PDF Document, 527.68 Kb)

Last updated: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 7:59 pm