Local Planning Authorities in England and Wales are obliged under the Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 to hold a register of local individuals and community groups who would be interested in Self Build or Custom Build projects in their Borough.
This register will enable Oadby and Wigston Borough Council to gather evidence to identify if there is a demand for this type of development within the Borough.
To be included on the Register, you need to meet the following requirements:
- You must be aged 18 or over
- You must be a British citizen or a national of an EEA State other than the UK or Switzerland
- You must be seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land to build a house to occupy as that your sole or main residence
- If you are an association, each of your members must meet the criteria above.
If you are interested in registering, please use the form below:
OWBC Self Build Registration Form (Word Document, 828 Kb)
If you are a landowner or are acting on behalf of a landowner that has a plot of land that you believe to be suitable for being registered Self-Build site, please fill out the form below:
OWBC Landowner Self Build Site Registration Form (Word Document, 780.5 Kb)
In submitting the registration form, you are agreeing that the Council can use the registered data to understand the demand for self and custom build housing in the Borough.
Personal details included on the Register will not be made public; however, anonymised headline data extracted from your submitted form may be used by the Council for strategic planning, information and statistical purposes only.
Please be aware that self-build homes are subject to the same requirement for planning permission and building regulations as that for other residential developments.
Registration Procedure
Once you have supplied the required information, the Council will determine whether your application is eligible for inclusion on the Register and you will be notified of the outcome within 28 days of the date that the application request was received. If your application is refused, you will be told the reason(s) for this.
An individual or association entered on the Register may apply to amend or remove their entry at any time. If an individual or association ceases to meet the criteria above, the Council may remove their entry but must notify them of this with its reasons for doing so.
Further Information and Advice
Please also use the following websites for further information and details regarding financial support:
Last updated: Thursday, 9 July 2020 3:55 pm