LGA Peer Review Challenge

The LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) is an independent and improvement support offer at no charge to local authorities. It is conducted by a team of experienced elected members and senior officers from other local authorities, across the country. The LGA recommend a Peer Review every three to five years. The council invited the LGA in during January 2022 following its first review in 2017.

The review focused on five key areas including our understanding of the local place and priority setting, our place leadership role, organisational leadership and governance, financial planning and viability and our capacity to deliver. The Peer team spent four days exploring these five areas with more than 67 people including a range of council staff together with our elected members and external stakeholders, through a series of meetings, discussion sessions and focus groups.

The feedback report is available here: Corporate Peer Challenge - Feedback Report (PDF Document, 309.32 Kb)

Following on from the feedback report, an Action Plan was put together to implement the recommendations made.

This Action Plan is available to read in full: Corporate Peer Review Action Plan - May 2022 (PDF Document, 231.59 Kb)

An update on the progress of the Action Plan is available here: Corporate Peer Review Action Plan - Progress Update - June 2023 (Word Document, 744.71 Kb)

Peer Review Progress report

In November 2022, we had a re-visit from the Peer Review Team to assess the progress made from our full Peer Review Challenge at the start of the year.

The report summarises: ‘The peer team was genuinely impressed by the amount of positive work that OWBC has undertaken since publishing its action plan’ before going on to give more detailed feedback in the full report.

This review report is available in full here: LGA Progress Review Report (PDF Document, 216.48 Kb)

The journey doesn’t end here – this process is about continuous improvement and the latest report identifies further ways in which we can improve across all the recommendations. In addition, we will continue to close out any remaining actions from the original action plan.

Last updated: Tuesday, 17 October 2023 3:41 pm