Each year the Mayor chooses a charity to support, and Councillor Rosemarie Adams has chosen Voluntary Action South Leicestershire (VASL) who as a local charity provide invaluable support and services to many residents of the borough.

VASL is a local charity providing services and projects to improve the lives of people in our community. These include support for family carers, young carers, older people who are lonely and isolated, providing volunteer transport to get people out and about, and activities and information to increase mental well-being. They are a volunteer-involving organisation and most of their work is delivered by trained volunteers.

As a carer Councillor Adams benefited from their incredible work first-hand, and throughout the next year will work hard to ensure they are able to offer the same to as many people as possible.

If you would like to donate to VASL, please make cheques to payable to: OWBC Mayor’s Fundraising Account or payments can also be made via BACS payments, NatWest Bank. Sort Code: 54-21-50 Account: 34454020. Councillor Adams would be really grateful if you could support her charity any way you would like.

Last updated: Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:31 pm