We strive to improve our service at every opportunity and are always very keen to hear from you. Customer feedback is important to us.

If you have any feedback for us please use the contact us form or speak our customer service Team 0116 288 8961.

Contact Us

We would like to show you some of the changes we have made based on the feedback you have given us.


Customers wanted to be able to contact us about cemeteries more easily

You said “Who do I need to contact to make an enquiry about cemeteries?"

We: Added contact options to our cemeteries webpage and made them more visible.

Customer Services

Customers commented about spending a long time in the phone queue

You said "Can we have a system where my place in the phone queue is held and someone can call me back?"

We: Have added a call back option to our phone system

Community & Wellbeing

Guided walks in Brocks Hill paused over lockdown

You said "Can the guided walks at Brocks Hill come back?"

We: These walks have restarted

Community & Wellbeing

Guided walks are very popular throughout the borough

You said "We love the choice of guided walks around the borough, but can they be more frequent?"

We: Have trained 15 new volunteer walk leaders to be able to increase our offering.

Anti-Social Behaviour and Environmental Health

Customers commented that the procedure to register a noise complaint was too long

You said “There must be a quicker way to report noise complaints"

We: Redesigned the online reporting form and moved to an app to log incidents instead of a diary sheet.

Last updated: Tuesday, 14 November 2023 11:35 am