This page is about the work of the Community Safety Partnership for the Borough of Oadby and Wigston. Here you will find information about the Partnership, our partners and also about what we are doing to reduce crime, and the fear of crime, within the Borough.

The primary purpose of the Partnership is to make the Borough a safer place to live, work, school in, and visit. Everyone has a right to feel safe as they go about their daily lives and this can be achieved by all of us playing our part in tackling issues of crime and disorder.

If you'd like to hear more about the work of the partnership, you can subscribe to receive our quarterly newsletter and signing up to the 'Community safety, crime and anti-social behaviour' topic.

Previous digital newsletters can be seen here:

The Partnership is made up of a number of agencies, all working together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the Borough. These are made up of statutory and non-statutory partners.

The statutory partners are:

  1. Oadby & Wigston Borough Council
  2. Leicestershire County Council
  3. Leicestershire Police
  4. Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
  5. East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  6. National Probation Service, and
  7. Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company.

The non-statutory partners are:

  1. Schools and Colleges,
  2. Youth Offending Service,
  3. Housing Associations,
  4. Local Businesses, and
  5. Voluntary Organisations.

Our Vision, Mission and Principles

Our vision is to work together in making the Borough of Oadby and Wigston a safer place to live, work and visit.

As a Partnership of statutory, non-statutory, voluntary and other organisations, with links to local people throughout our community, our mission is to work collectively together to tackle those issues of crime and disorder of most concern. Our work together is driven by a desire to help local people feel safer, become more involved with reducing crime and the fear of crime, especially amongst the most vulnerable people within our community and to engage with those most at risk of offending in a manner that compliments the work of agencies that have individual responsibilities in tackling crime and disorder.

The members of the Partnership have agreed on a set of principles upon which it intends to conduct itself in ensuring that successful outcomes are delivered and based upon partnership values of co-operation, transparency, integrity, equality and accountability.

  • Cooperation – The Partnership recognises that successful partnership working is based upon trust and cooperation between partners and the community they serve, and encourages such an approach in addressing issues of crime and disorder.
  • Transparency – The Partnership will aim to consistently provide a clear and transparent picture of activity so as to strengthen partnership working, and increase the confidence of the Community.
  • Integrity – The Partnership will constantly monitor the impact of its tactics and activity so as to maintain a high level of integrity at all times.
  • Equality – Fair and equal access to services and support irrespective of race, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, or disability will be provided by the Partnership within its activities.
  • Accountability – The Partnership will be visible and accountable to the Community for the decisions and actions it takes on their behalf.

Reports and Strategic Plans

Below you will find a copy of the Partnership's Strategic Plan for 2021-24. This document highlights the Partnership's seven strategic priorities for each three year period, as well as how the decision was made to prioritise these areas, and the approaches the Partnership will take in achieving them.

Oadby & Wigston CSP - Strategic Plan 2021-24 (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)

Last updated: Monday, 22 July 2024 11:06 am