Throughout the year we consult with residents, business owners, visitors and stakeholders on a range of topics. These consultations can be found below, followed by results and findings from selected consultations.

Current consultations

Tenants' Perception Survey 2024/25

This survey is to assess how well we are performing at providing good quality homes and housing services to our tenants and help to improve our services.

By taking part in this survey you will help to shape how we improve our services.

The survey will run until March 2025.

Complete the survey online

Recently closed consultations

Temporary Accommodation Policy

This policy sets out our approach to the placement of households in temporary accommodation both in and outside of the borough. You can view the draft policy below.

Temporary Accommodation Policy - Consultation Draft (PDF Document, 334.27 Kb)

This consultation closed ad 12pm on Monday 2 September.

Local Validations Checklist

We have produced a new Local Validations Checklist in relation to planning applications.

Draft Local Validation Checklist 2024 (PDF Document, 228.75 Kb)

Comments closed on Friday 5 July 2024.

Rent setting policy

We asked tenants for their feedback on our draft Rent Setting Policy.

Draft Rent Setting Policy (PDF Document, 222.29 Kb)

The consultation closed at 12pm on Wednesday 29 May.

New draft Local Plan

We undertook a public consultation on the emerging New Local Plan. It seeks to cover the period up to the year 2041 and will plan for new development within the borough between now and then.

The draft Plan sets out a Vision, Spatial Objectives and Policies to guide future development in the borough.

The consultation closed at 12pm on Wednesday 15 May.

Consultation on our Draft Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy

We recently consulted on our Draft Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy.

Draft Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy (PDF Document, 267.84 Kb)

The purpose of this policy is to set out our approach to dealing with reports of damp, mould and condensation within a council property or building.

The consultation closed on Wednesday 13 March.

Consultation on our Draft Climate Change Strategy

We asked for your views on the draft Climate Change Strategy, which was drafted after consideration of other council strategies and plans, government legislation, and organisations working to tackle climate change. There has also been input from council officers and members.

We asked the local community if they agreed with the proposed Strategy Vision, Goals, Key Principles, Key Areas for Action, and whether they had any additional views to share. We did this to help us shape the Climate Change Strategy and ensure it was fit for purpose in our local area.

All comments from respondents have been read and where appropriate have been considered for changes to the Strategy. The consultation analysis and recommendations to amend the document were reported to and considered by Environment Working Group Members in April 2024 before finalisation of the Strategy.

You can read the final strategy on our climate change webpage.

Statement of Community Involvement

We consulted on our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets out how the local community, businesses and interest groups will be involved in the preparation of planning related documents and planning applications that may affect them.

All documents prepared and planning applications determined by the council have to comply with the consultation arrangements set out in this document.

This consultation closed on Wednesday 7 February.

Budget 2024/25

Every year the Council must set a balanced budget. We do this by assessing what changes we need to make to last year’s budget, based on our plans for the future and expected changes to our income or expenditure, and presenting a new budget for local Councillors to approve in 2024.

Before this, we are inviting residents, tenants, businesses and organisations to comment on our draft budgets. The results will be fed back to the elected Councillors who are responsible for setting the budget, for them to consider before the budget is approved.

This consultation opened on Tuesday 19 December and closed on Tuesday 16 January.

A summary of the results from this consultation is available - Budget consultation results (PDF Document, 2.11 Mb)

Last updated: Tuesday, 3 September 2024 11:05 am