The Oadby Court Conservation Area was first designated in 1997. It is a small conservation area, to the west of the main A6 around 3.5 miles south of central Leicester, which contains a large Victorian house with extensive grounds and five other 'modern movement' style houses were built in 1933.

Oadby Court Conservation Area Boundary Map (PDF Document, 192.1 Kb)

The 1930s houses (which give the Conservation Area its name) are the most visual of the buildings within the area and despite considerable extensions and alterations, maintain their cubed form and white rendered walls. A number of fine and very mature trees surround the Victorian house which has been in office use for many years. These add considerable value to the amenity of the area and the setting of both the main house and the 1930s additional homes. A handful of similarly mature trees survive in the gardens of Oadby Court; the remnants of the tree screen which originally enclosed the southeastern corner of the Victorian property’s extensive grounds. The Victorian house (built as Oadby Hill and now called Brook's House) is an architecturally attractive mid-nineteenth-century villa.

Part of the eastern and western tree belts survive and help buffer the building from the busy A6 road and the newer houses. Oadby Court is, therefore, a small enclave, well protected by mature trees and to some extent by the verge and planting left following the realignment of the road in the late twentieth century.

Make a conservation area enquiry

Conservation Area Appraisal and Development Control Guidance

The Oadby Court Conservation Area Appraisal and Development Control Guidance were subject to public consultation from Monday 2nd October 2006 to Monday 13th November 2006. After considering representations received, the decision was made on 23rd February 2007 to adopt the Appraisal, Development Control Guidance and amend the Conservation Area boundaries which took effect from Monday 12th March 2007.

Boundary Amendments

The verge and planting to the northeast of the site, which separates Oadby Court from Leicester Road, was incorporated into the existing boundary.

Oadby Court Conservation Area Notification of Amendments (PDF Document, 18.45 Kb)

Conservation Area Appraisal and Development Control Guidance

The appraisal and development control guidance reassesses the character of the area and notes any changes which may have occurred since its designation, as well as, seeking to ensure that the area continues to thrive, without prejudicing features which define the character and appearance of the area.

Oadby Court Conservation Area Appraisal and DC Guidance (PDF Document, 377.04 Kb)

Report on Consultation

The report of consultation describes the process in which the public consultation went through and summarises the representations made and sets out responses to these.

Oadby Court Conservation Area Report of Consultation (PDF Document, 45.15 Kb)

Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document

The Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides policy guidance to ensure that the character and appearance of Borough Conservation Areas are maintained through effective management.

Please note, on the 16th April 2019 the Council resolved to adopt a revised Conservation Areas SPD. Links to the most up to date document are contained below.

Conservation Areas SPD 2019

Conservation Areas SPD Consultation Statement 2018

SCI and SPD Adoption Statement 2019

Last updated: Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:01 am