Supplementary Planning Documents should expand or add further details to policies set out in development plan documents, but do not carry development plan status. The guidance they contain may be used as material considerations in the consideration of planning applications.

Supplementary Planning Documents are non-statutory documents which are not subject to independent examination. However, they are subject to a process of public consultation, in accordance with the Council's Statement of Community Involvement, and related national planning regulations and legislation.

Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document

The document has been prepared to provide policy and guidance for any public realm improvement/redevelopment scheme that occurs within the Borough of Oadby and Wigston. The document sets out best practice and new standards of design, styles and material use.

Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document

Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document

The aim of the Residential Development SPD is to ensure that a high standard of design is achieved through all residential development that takes place in the borough.

Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document - Adopted April 2019 (PDF Document, 833.65 Kb)

Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document

The aim of the Conservation Areas SPD is to provide policy guidance to ensure that the character and appearance of the Conservation Area will be maintained through effective management.

The Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides policy guidance to ensure that the character and appearance of Borough Conservation Areas are maintained through effective management.

Please note, on the 16th April 2019 the Council resolved to adopt a revised Conservation Areas SPD. Links to the most up to date document are contained below.

Conservation Areas SPD 2019 (PDF Document, 4.05 Mb)

Conservation Areas SPD Consultation Statement 2018 (PDF Document, 608.8 Kb)

SCI and SPD Adoption Statement 2019 (PDF Document, 570.15 Kb)

Identified Employment Land Supplementary Planning Document (2020)

The aim of the Identified Employment Land Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide policy guidance for each of the Borough Council's Identified Employment Areas and ensure that the 'right' development takes place in the most appropriate locations. Alongside the Local Plan, this SPD will help the Council approach all planning decisions in a positive and robust way.

Identified Employment Land Supplementary Planning Document 2020 (PDF Document, 5.6 Mb)

Identified Employment Land SPD Adoption Statement 2021 (PDF Document, 72.63 Kb)

Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document

The aim of the Developer Contributions SPD is to provide guidance to applicants about the types of planning obligations that may be sought as part of a legal agreement when considering the impacts of development upon the local areas.

The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the supporting Evidence Base for Open Space, Sport and Recreation (incorporating Green Infrastructure) provide applicants with information about the types of planning obligations that may be sought through a legal agreement to mitigate the impact of a development proposal in the borough.

Please note, on the 16th April 2019 the Council resolved to adopt a revised Developer Contributions SPD. Links to the most up to date document are contained below.

Developer Contributions SPD 2019 (PDF Document, 1.18 Mb)

Developer Contributions SPD Consultation Statement 2018 (PDF Document, 334.17 Kb)

SCI and SPD Adoption Statement 2019 (PDF Document, 570.15 Kb)

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

A Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has not been adopted in the Borough. In 2013, the Council was advised as a result of a CIL Viability Assessment that it was not cost-effective to pursue CIL at that time. In 2017, via the Whole Plan Viability Assessment, this recommendation was again the recommendation and conclusion. Therefore, although the position will be kept under review, the Borough Council intends to continue to mitigate the impact of new development through the negotiation of developer contributions via S.106 Agreements, in accordance with the CIL Regulations and other relevant national and local planning policy documents.

Last updated: Tuesday, 6 April 2021 2:40 pm