All newly published and / or relevant evidence-based documents to support the Submission Local Plan for the Borough of Oadby and Wigston will be made available on this page. The reference numbers relate to those given to each document for the purposes of the forthcoming Examination in Public.

Relevant National and Sub-Regional Documents

LP1: National Policy, Guidance and Legislation

LP1/01: National Planning Policy Framework (PDF Document, 869.99 Kb)
National Planning Practice Guidance
Town and Country Planning Act (1990)
Localism Act (2011)
Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2010)

LP2: Strategic documents

LP2/01: Leicester and Leicestershire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 3.61 Mb)
Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan - Leicester and Leicestershire 2050: Our Vision for Growth - Consultation Document (PDF Document, 3.03 Mb)
Leicester and Leicestershire Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People Accommodation Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 2.48 Mb)
Joint Statement of Co-operation Relating to Objectively Assessed Need for Housing (November 2017) (PDF Document, 447.57 Kb)

LP3: Housing documents

LP3/01: Building for Life 12 (PDF Document, 2.25 Mb)
LP3/02: BREEAM Standards
LP3/03: Technical Housing Standards - Nationally Described Space Standards (2015) (PDF Document, 330.08 Kb)

LP4: Environmental documents

LP4/01: European Water Framework Directive (2000)
Sustainable Drainage Systems (PDF Document, 46.79 Kb)
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Historic Landscape Characterisation
Climate Change Evidence Base Study (2015) (PDF Document, 14.87 Mb)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2014) (PDF Document, 8.21 Mb)
Leicester and Leicestershire Green Wedge Review Joint Methodology (PDF Document, 272.24 Kb)

LP5: Transport documents

LP5/01: South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Main Report (PDF Document, 622.03 Kb)
South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Appendix A (PDF Document, 2.54 Mb)
South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Appendix B (PDF Document, 1.87 Mb)
South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 2 Main Report (2017) (PDF Document, 2.59 Mb)
LP5/02: Joint Position Statement - South East Leicestershire Transport Study and Resulting Mitigation Study (PDF Document, 956.86 Kb)
LP5/03: Leicestershire County Councils 6Cs Design Guide

Relevant Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Documents

LP6: Strategic documents

LP6/01: Local Plan Submission Document (PDF Document, 1.38 Mb)
Adopted Policies Map Submission Document (PDF Document, 15.62 Mb)
Oadby and Wigston Core Strategy (2010) (PDF Document, 2.13 Mb)
Local Plan Legal Compliance Checklist (PDF Document, 457.22 Kb)
Local Plan Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (PDF Document, 830.54 Kb)
Statement of Fact (PDF Document, 256.34 Kb)
Duty to Cooperate Statement (PDF Document, 481.01 Kb)
Statement of Consultation (PDF Document, 3.25 Mb)
Local Plan Spatial Strategy Submission Statement (PDF Document, 383.11 Kb)
Statement of Superseded Policies (PDF Document, 323.46 Kb)
Schedule of Minor Changes (PDF Document, 257.12 Kb)
Local Plan Equalities Impact Assessment (2018) (PDF Document, 414.04 Kb)
Representations Received with Officer Comments (Date Received Order) (PDF Document, 1.52 Mb)

LP6/13: Representations Received with Officer Comments (Policy Order) (PDF Document, 1.52 Mb)

LP6/13: Representations Received with Officer Comments (Representor Order) (PDF Document, 1.6 Mb)
LP6/14: Oadby and Wigston Saved Local Plan (1999) (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)
LP6/15: Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
LP6/16: Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
LP6/17: Oadby and Wigston Corporate Plan to 2019 (PDF Document, 302.72 Kb)

LP6/13: Representations Received with Officer Comments (Policy Order) (PDF Document, 1.52 Mb)
Representations Received with Officer Comments (Representor Order) (PDF Document, 1.6 Mb)
Oadby and Wigston Saved Local Plan (1999) (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)
Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Oadby and Wigston Corporate Plan to 2019 (PDF Document, 302.72 Kb)

LP6/18: Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2018) (PDF Document, 939.81 Kb)
Annual Monitoring Report
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Whole Plan Viability Study (2017) (PDF Document, 4.09 Mb)
Statement of Community Involvement (2014) (PDF Document, 292.97 Kb)
Local Development Scheme (2017) (PDF Document, 627.78 Kb)

LP7: Housing documents

LP7/01: Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Affordable Housing Viability (2016) (PDF Document, 2.74 Mb)
Residential Land Availability Assessment
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
Housing Implementation Strategy (2017)
Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Methodology Paper (2016) (PDF Document, 541.72 Kb)

LP8: Economy documents

LP8/01: Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Economic Regeneration Strategy (2015) (PDF Document, 7.82 Mb)
Oadby and Wigston Employment Land and Premises Study (2017) (PDF Document, 3.37 Mb)
Employment Land Availability Assessment (2017)
Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan Development Plan Document (2013) (PDF Document, 11.75 Mb)
Oadby and Wigston Retail Capacity Study (2016) (PDF Document, 5.91 Mb)
Oadby and Wigston Retail Capacity Study - Executive Summary, November 2016 (PDF Document, 552.75 Kb)
Local Centres Study (2017) (PDF Document, 2.73 Mb)

LP9: Environmental and Social documents

LP9/01: Green Wedge Review (2017) (PDF Document, 3.72 Mb)
LP9/02: Oadby and Wigston Green Wedge Management Strategy (2004) by request
LP9/03: Oadby, Thurnby, Stoughton Green Wedge Management Strategy (2005) (PDF Document, 5.37 Mb)
LP9/04: Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part One (PDF Document, 1.12 Mb)
LP9/04: Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part Two (PDF Document, 1.13 Mb)
LP9/04: Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part Three (PDF Document, 1.37 Mb)
LP9/05: Oadby and Wigston Extended Phase One Habitat Survey (2017) (PDF Document, 20.88 Mb)

LP9/06: Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Parts 1 to 3 (2018) (PDF Document, 2.45 Mb)
LP9/06: Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Parts 4 to 6 (2018) (PDF Document, 6.43 Mb)
LP9/06: Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Appendices (2018) (PDF Document, 8.45 Mb)

LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Report (2017) (PDF Document, 673.75 Kb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix One - Wigston (PDF Document, 17.37 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Two - South Wigston (PDF Document, 3.77 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 1 of 9) (PDF Document, 3.58 Mb)

LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 2 of 9) (PDF Document, 2.19 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 3 of 9) (PDF Document, 962.15 Kb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 4 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.8 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 5 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.21 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 6 of 9) (PDF Document, 2.41 Mb)

LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 7 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.62 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 8 of 9) (PDF Document, 6.88 Mb)
LP9/07: Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 9 of 9) (PDF Document, 5.32 Mb)
LP9/08: Green Infrastructure Plan (2018) (PDF Document, 335.98 Kb)
LP9/09: Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 386.98 Kb)
LP9/09: Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) - Appendices 1 and 2 (PDF Document, 4.71 Mb)

LP9/09: Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) - Appendix 3 (PDF Document, 4.41 Mb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy (2018) (PDF Document, 1.16 Mb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix A (2018) (PDF Document, 210.69 Kb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix B (2018) (PDF Document, 810.87 Kb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix C (2018) (PDF Document, 773.6 Kb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix D (2018) (PDF Document, 36.18 Kb)
LP9/10: Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix E (2018) (PDF Document, 42.06 Kb)
LP9/11: Oadby and Wigston Open Space Audit (2017) (PDF Document, 2.41 Mb)

LP9/12: All Saints Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/13: London Road and Saint Peters Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/14: Midland Cottages Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/15: North Memorial Homes and Framework Knitters Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/16: Oadby Court Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/17: Oadby Hilltop and Meadowcourt Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/18: South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/19: Spa Lane Conservation Area Appraisal
LP9/20: The Lanes Conservation Area Appraisal

LP10: Supporting information relating to LP6/13

LP10/01: Tyler Grange on behalf of Leicester Racecourse Holdings Ltd (PDF Document, 1.45 Mb)
LP10/02: DWH – Wigston Direction for Growth Area, Phase 2 Masterplan (PDF Document, 211.25 Kb)
LP10/03: Pegasus Group, Oadby Grange, Oadby (PDF Document, 4.1 Mb)
LP10/04: Montagu Evans on behalf of the University of Leicester (PDF Document, 919.45 Kb)
LP10/05: ADC Infrastructure Transport – Land North of Newton Lane, Wigston (PDF Document, 2.32 Mb)
LP10/06: GVA, Jelson Homes Ltd – Land North of Newton Lane, Wigston (PDF Document, 4.27 Mb)
LP10/07: GWH – Ellis Farm, Kilby Bridge (PDF Document, 2.45 Mb)
LP10/08: Kodiak Land – Land West of Welford Road, Wigston (PDF Document, 423 Kb)
LP10/09: Tetlow King – Rentplus (PDF Document, 2.61 Mb)
LP10/10: HBF – DCLG Planning Update (PDF Document, 138.29 Kb)

Existing evidence base documents that support current adopted planning policy can be found by clicking on the Borough Local Plan's Evidence Base page on the drop down list to the right of this page.

Last updated: Wednesday, 1 March 2023 2:47 pm