Dodd's has won a new contract with OWBC to carry out electrical safety checks.

We are pleased to announce the procurement of Dodd Group Midlands Ltd to carry out electrical safety checks, deliver reactive maintenance and respond to out-of-hours emergencies for our tenants.

The contract is for the three year period from 28 November 2022.

If you have any issues with your electrics then please contact our Customer Services team on (0116) 288 8961, and from 28 November we will arrange for Dodd Group to contact you for an appointment.

In the event of an emergency such as an electrical fire, please call 999.

We have also asked Dodd Group to complete electrical safety tests on nearly 600 of our properties. This project is currently underway and you may be contacted by Dodd Group directly to arrange an appointment for the test - please be assured that this is a legitimate request.

Last updated: Wednesday, 2 November 2022 12:29 pm