Please note, the policies set out within the Town Centres Area Action Plan (AAP) have been superseded by the adopted Borough of Oadby and Wigston Local Plan. However, the evidence base underpinning the AAP and the guidance contained within is still up to date where relevant.

Adopted Final Document

On the 3rd September 2013, at Full Council, the Town Centres Area Action Plan was adopted by the Council. The full document, the Sustainability Appraisal and the Adoption Statement can be found on the links below;

Adopted Policies Map 2013 (PDF Document, 11.87 Mb)

Adopted Town Centres Area Action Plan (PDF Document, 11.75 Mb)

Town Centres Area Action Plan Adoption Statement (PDF Document, 23.6 Kb)

Town Centres AAP Sustainability Appraisal Report (Full Document) (PDF Document, 10.57 Mb)

Please Note: The Sustainability Appraisal Report was published in October 2011 and was submitted to the Secretary of State alongside the draft Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan for Independent Examination on March 2012. No significant changes were made to the Town Centres Area Action Plan as a result of the Examination that required re-appraisal and amendment to the Sustainability Appraisal Report. However, some minor amendments were made to the Town Centres Area Action Plan and where this is the case the amended text in the adopted Town Centres Area Action Plan supersedes the text in the Sustainability Appraisal document.

The Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan Development Plan Document, the Adoption Statement, the Inspector’s Report and the Sustainability Appraisal, is also available for public inspection, free of charge, at Oadby & Wigston Borough Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston, LE18 2DR between the hours of 8.45 am and 4.45 pm on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 8.45 am and 4 pm on Wednesdays and 8.45 am and 4.15 pm on Fridays. They will also be available at Oadby Library, Wigston Library, South Wigston Library.

Final Inspectors Report

The Council received the Final Inspectors Report for the Town Centres Area Action Plan DPD. The relevant documents can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Final Inspector's Report - Town Centres Area Action Plan DPD (PDF Document, 291 Kb)
Appendix to Final Inspector's Report - Town Centres Area Action Plan DPD (PDF Document, 123.37 Kb)

Process History

Area Action Plan stages (PDF Document, 36.87 Kb)

The Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan Development Plan Document (DPD) has been through a series of consultation stages as follows:

Baseline; stakeholder engagement - March 2007

Issues and Options; public consultation - June - August 2007,

Preferred Options; public Consultation - November - December 2007,

Preferred Options Addendum; public consultation - November 2008 - January 2009,

Addendum Reports for Consultation

The Council consulted on addendum reports for Oadby town centres that should be read in the direct link to the preferred options below.

Oadby Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Addendum Report (PDF Document, 660.42 Kb)
Oadby Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Addendum Map (PDF Document, 392.8 Kb)
Oadby Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Addendum Report Sustainability Appraisal (PDF Document, 358.85 Kb)

Publication Draft Proposed Submission Document; public consultation - October - December 2011

Publication Draft Town Centres Area Action Plan (Full) (PDF Document, 7.59 Mb)

For the Town Centre Area Action Plan split into sections, please go to the Area Action Plan Document Library, and to document H1a.

Each of the public consultation stages involved at least a six week period of consultation with stakeholders and the local community, through the local press, leaflet drops and public exhibitions in both centres as well as events in local schools. All documents are available by following the links above and form part of the evidence base to this Area Action Plan (see Area Action Plan Document Library). At each stage of consultation, comments were considered and responses made, some of which resulted in amendments to the document. This consultation process involved separate documents for Wigston and Oadby, which are now combined into a single document.

Regulation 27 Consultation

Consultation, on the Publication Draft Proposed Submission Document was held for a period of six weeks from Friday 28th October 2011, ending on Friday 9th December 2011. Approximately 875 specific and general consultees were notified of the publication of the Development Plan Document and invited to make representations during this period in terms of the soundness and legal compliance of the document.

The Council received a total of 1385 duly made representations from 294 respondents. A number of the respondents replied using standard response letters prepared by two organisations, these being Oadby Town Centre Association (letter used by 202 respondents) and Age Concern (letter used by 45 respondents).

Statement of Fact (28/10/11) (PDF Document, 26.05 Kb)
Advertisement (28/10/11) (PDF Document, 25.19 Kb)
Statement of Representation Procedure (28/10/11) (PDF Document, 31.77 Kb)
Statement of Consultation (PDF Document, 263.71 Kb)

Submission to the Secretary of State (Regulation 30)

The Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan was submitted to the government on 5th March 2012 for independent examination. The purpose of the examination of a Development Plan Document (DPD) is to consider whether the DPD meets the requirements of the relevant legislation and is 'sound'. Soundness is tested by considering whether the DPD is justified, effective, and consistent with national policy.

As part of that process, the Inspector (appointed by the Secretary of State) will consider representations made on the soundness of the DPD by interested parties such as local residents and developers. At the end of the examination, the Inspector will issue a report to the Council. The report will contain recommendations relating to any changes that need to be made to the DPD, to ensure it is sound, before being formally adopted.

Statement of Fact (Regulation 30(3)(b)(iii)) – Submission Document (5 March 2012) (PDF Document, 194.74 Kb)
Advertisement (Regulation 30(3)(e)) – Submission Document (5 March 2012) (PDF Document, 25.83 Kb)
Statement of Representations (Regulation 30(1)(e)) – Submission Document (March 2012) (PDF Document, 189.93 Kb)

Other Related Consultation Documents

Equality Analysis (PDF Document, 362.19 Kb)

Please note; that under advice from Natural England, a further Appropriate Assessment (under the Habitats Regulation Assessment) is not required for the Town Centres Area Action Plan. Given that the Town Centres Area Action Plan is in full conformity with the Core Strategy, the Appropriate Assessment undertaken for the Core Strategy will suffice.

Natural England Appropriate Assessment Letter for Area Action Plan (PDF Document, 60.74 Kb)
Core Strategy Appropriate Assessment Scoping Report (PDF Document, 377.91 Kb)

Area Action Plan Document Library

The Document Library contains all Oadby and Wigston Borough Council's Town Centre Area Action Plan submission documents. This comprises national, regional and local planning policy and guidance, evidence documents, and other documents which the Council has had regard to in preparing the Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan, or that interested parties are likely to refer to during the examination.

The Index of Documents can be found below:

Area Action Plan Document Library Index (PDF Document, 88.37 Kb)

For the full document library go to:

Area Action Plan Document Library

Last updated: Monday, 8 August 2022 4:16 pm