Frequently Asked Questions

Transport and infrastructure

Although you may receive a car parking fine within the borough, it is distributed by the Leicestershire County Council (LCC) Notice Processing Centre.

If you wish to dispute your fine or pay by an alternative method, you should go to the Leicestershire County Council webpage for car parking fines and follow the instructions.

Roads and pavements within the borough are looked after by Leicestershire County Council. Should you discover a problem such as a pot hole, damaged kerb or loose gravel for example, report it to Leicestershire County Council using their online form. Alternatively, you can visit their Service Shop's in person or telephone Leicester 0116 305 0001.

Street name signs are the responsibility of our Client Services department. Damaged street name signs can be reported either by telephone on Leicester (0116) 257 2830 or in person at our Customer Service Centres.

Building Control are responsible for naming a street for a new development.

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